CMPLMNTS – one app, big plans!

Oldenburg, Germany | March 1, 2018

1 March 2018 is World Compliment Day. There are already world days for all sorts of things like World Gin Day, Popcorn Day or World Day of Snowman. While the reasoning behind those days is debatable, World Compliment Day makes a lot of sense and it‘ll also mark the launch of our new CMPLMNTS app!

How does it work?

With the gratis and ad-free CMPLMNTS app (pronounced „compliments“), we‘re solving a rising problem: we‘re slowly forgetting how to make compliments! The positive experience of receiving a compliment has become a rarity these days. But as social glue, compliments are an important aspect of our living together. Studies show that praise stimulates and spurs us on. According to a study by Duke University (Durham, United States), compliments motivate us even more than money. ;-)

Our COMPLMNTS app for Android and iOS devices enables users to take advantage of all the fl eeting acquaintances we make every day. „Great hair“, „cool sneakers“ or „pleasant voice“ are just some of the compliments you can make literally in passing as long the other person also has the app. It‘ll take no longer than 5 seconds to open the app, select the person and to send your compliment. It‘s all anonymous! All the app initially requires is a profile picture and the broad smartphone location. It takes just seconds to get started and doesn‘t require any other details like name, Facebook login or e-mail address and password. Simply install the app, enjoy the brief introduction and you‘re good to go.

Once the profile picture is uploaded, users may optionally add their age and gender. Then, a map screen will open that displays people in your immediate vicinity (20 m radius). Just pick a person and category, make your compliment and make the world a little better!

How did the idea come about?

As business travellers, we spend a lot of time waiting and meeting new people whether at the airport, train station, restaurant, coffee shop or during appointments. Often, we pass the time letting our eyes wander. In these moments, thoughts like „dope sneakers“, „snazzy hairstyle“ or „pleasant voice“ frequently crossed our minds. We would have loved to outright tell the people how we felt - BUT we couldn‘t. We‘d either forgotten how to pay a genuine compliment or feared the person might consider our behavior intrusive. As we talked about our idea with others, it turned out they couldn‘t even remember the last compliment they made or received. Odd isn‘t it?

We‘d like to cut this knot with our app and we‘re hoping many will join us in our quest!

Stay tuned for more!
Your CMPLMNTS team